Thursday, July 27, 2006

Comic-Con 2006: Set your phasers to fun

Excelsior!! Wow, i just got back from san diego and comic-con and all i can say is i now i know what it feels like to not be the biggest dork in the room. Seriously, have you ever wanted to see an escalated argument over whether Hal Jordan or Alan Scott was the "true" green lantern, then comic-con is for you. Highlights include meeting Stan Lee when i was standing in line outside, and resisting the urge to ask him why Marvel published Tony Danza's letters to "Mighty Thor" and at the same time not publishing the one 10 year old moi sent despite it being vastly more coherent than Mr. Danza's letter.
I also got to say hi to Mr. Robert Smigel(pics to come), perhaps the greatest comedy genius alive(its a toss up between him and Bob Odenkirk, although i since learned smigel was the author of the SNL McLaughlin group bit so i am even more amazed at his abillity, "WRONG! You all had Special K with bannanas! Next Issue") And speaking of Odenkirk, Adult swim previewed upcoming footage of "Tom Goes to the Mayor" It was just a couple minutes worth but it was funny. Looking forward to that.
Met alot of cool conventioneers from all over the country, its cool cause thay are each into their own thing, be it art, video games, movies, comics, toys, small children, whatever. Real cool costumes too, I can't believe they put up with heat in some of those outfits. I dressed normal, but debated wearing my "Wykyd Sceptre Ride the Weenis Tour T" .
I'll definately be back next year, debating taking it up a notch. I think I'll go as Jar Jar Binks and see if I can antagonize some of the Star Wars nerds. "Meesa greatest star wars hero of allda tima. Meesa Padmes mosta secret lover. Ani no twins father, Meesa is."


Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Victory is Mine!

I knew it! at least that is what it says on the back of the 2 disc set of Challange of the Super Friends the First Season I got a few weeks back.

Victory is yours with this complete collection of DC Super Heroes!

It literally says that on the back. Anyway I can't begin to describe how much I enjoy this cartoon. Not because of nostalgia, all though that is nice, I have a vague recollection of pointing out the plotholes in this show when I was 2. No the real reason I enjoy the show is that I can't keep up and and the storylines appear to have been written by someone with some uber-acute form of ADD, a super ADD strain if you will, combined with some sort of crappy procrastinating meth induced writing habit. Its fascinating. I plan to write a couple of episode reviews sometime so you can get the feel for it, although i've watched a half dozen times and still can't get the feel for it. But i dig the repeated use of the term super-fools.

My favorite part though has to be the legion of Doom and their needlesly complex, unpredictable, and convoluted attempts to do stuff. I say stuff because I really haven't figured what it is they are trying to do . Sometimes its to kill the Superfriends, sometimes its to rule the world, once it was to rule Africa, once it was to beat up an old lady in the swamp, once it was to help the superfriends for no other reason than to confuse them and myself. You get the idea.
SO here is the Legion of Doom plan from the first episode, Wanted the Superfriends.

phase1: Luthor has a dream machine that makes the superfriends comit crimes like looting Ft. Knox and stealing the crown jewels, and makes the Superfriends think it was a dream.
Superfriends turn themselves in, but the guards are cheetah and bizarro in disguise and the jail cell shoots to the sun with the superfriends in it. Oh and there is a muscle freezing ray. Move into hall of justice

phase2: Luthors mutation device uses the justice league satellite to transform everyone on earth into cheetahs and bizarros to commit crimes. why does Luthor explicitly refer to this as phase2? I don't know!!!

phase 3: Throw money around the hall of Justice, shoot cash with cold ray and try to run superfriends over with a street sweeper.

But the superfriends escape and try to stop billions of chettahs and bizarros( 1 or 2 at a time) and Alfred Bizarro trys to stop batman and robin from figuring out they have to reverse polarity on the justice league satellite to turn everyone back to normal by driving them off a cliff and oh no my brain is hemmoraging again.. but it feels sooooo good.

Monday, March 14, 2005

eating old stuff

i read this post last night on a dumpster diving thread at

it gave me a continuous chuckle

Re: What's the best thing you ever scored...
a 40's era sea-rations tin, unopened.
opened it up and got biscuts, and this chocolate that was completely chalk and tasted like metal. the chocolate wrapper had a tropical paradise motif. the poundcake was good, though.

i was tempted to try some strange colored superman II trading card gum last year.. but i resisted.

New Years Resolution

okay.. I'm back and my new year's resolution is to keep this thing going... okay its march.. i was going to say chineese new year but that was the end of january.. how about the jewish new year.. thats in october so i'm getting a jump start on that then.. im early for once!!! shalome procrastination, hello pathetically early!!

Sunday, May 23, 2004

Quick Thought

"What is this? This is too busy, this is all too busy!"

-Masta' Shake, on seeing his superhero promo poster returned from the printers.

Saturday, May 22, 2004

what now?

normally id have all kinds of jabber jab and conspiracy ramblings. but i'll get interactive on my first post

(insert witty comment here)

Ha ha ha. thats funny , you should be on showtime at the apollo.